深圳市瑞凯诺科技有限公司专注于新能源行业充电通信协议转换领域的技术研发与应用,深耕行业ISO 15118、DIN 70121、SAE J1772和CHAdeMO等通信协议标准。为新能源汽车、充电桩、电池电源企业提供符合欧标、美标、日标充电标准的智能通信协议解决方案。 公司已通过ISO 9001国际质量体系认证,通信协议转换器EVCC、SECC系列产品拥有知识产权专利,并通过TUV 、DEKRA等权威机构的测试和认证。公司拥有6年以上的量产经验,成功配套项目1000余例。 瑞凯诺致力于为合作伙伴提供持续领先的技术与服务支持,公司的充电通信转换方案正在被更多的新能源车企、桩企和电池电池等企业所应用,产品已远销海外70多个国家500多个城市。我们秉承为用户提供创新、极致的新能源出口充电解决方案的发展理念,以合作、共赢、共享为服务宗旨,以推动中国新能源势力快速迈向国际舞台为己任,矢志不渝、砥砺前行,深圳市瑞凯诺科技有限公司愿与您真诚携手、共创未来。
over ten years of technology accumulation
The technical support capability continues to lead, and the industry bugs are predicted in advance
Exported to overseas countries
The solutions with strong adaptability and has no borders
Successful cases
Compatibility is recognized by partners, and solutions are being selected by more and more customers
Years of experience in mass production
Stability has been verified by time and well-known institutions
Apply to overseas cities
RNL's products and solutions are highly compatible with almost all models of EVs and EV chargers,it is the preferred charging solution for the NEV industry
Power battery solution
Power battery solution support ISO15118/DIN 70121/SAE J1772/CHAdeMO through converts PLC-CAN protocal communication
NEV solutions
The new energy vehicle export charging solution adapts different models of EVCC according to different models and export regions. Support protocol: ISO15118/DIN 70121/SAE J1772/CHAdeM
Power module solution
Power supply module, test equipment (GB/T to CCS1/CCS2 CHAdeMO)solution applied charge communication converter (SECC) support protocol: ISO15118/DIN 70121/SAE J1772/CHAdeMO
NEV charging equipment solution
Application scheme of new energy charging equipment: support DIN70121/1SO15118/CHAdeMO protocol through communication controller (SECC)
RNL's technical engineers strive to solve customers' doubts on the front line
RNL's on-site technical support has been recognized by different EV partners
TUV Rheinland, Germany, in cooperation with Guangdong Charging Facilities Association, issued TUV certification for RNL
Statistical analysis of China Automobile Industry Association - China's automobile export in 2022 was 3.111 million, with 54.4% YoY growth.
German Electric Vehicle Market Dynamics in January 2023 - Top Selling Models 20
Overview of overseas charging piles - European charging pile density